
at home

being in between end-of-school and finding a real job is a strange place. I'm so used to having stuff to do every second of the day that being thrust into a period of having almost nothing to do at all makes me feel so weird and lazy. I always felt like this at the beginning of summer, but there was always more school to go back to after a few months. now, my only duties are finding a job in Chicago (harder than it seems!), moving, and trying to have fun at the same time!

the nicest thing so far has been rediscovering hobbies. I've been loving just doing things because I enjoy doing them. one of the most difficult parts of going to school for art was having to do something you like, which sounds ridiculous. you know you aren't going to make great money doing art, so you have to love it....but sometimes, you just can't. it's exhausting and difficult and at times you just need to quit for your own sanity. so you feel guilty when you hate it, because you know you are supposed to love it...and it's easy to forget that it's normal to feel this way sometimes.

so my favorite part of being out of school so far is having the freedom to create my own identity with my work, unencumbered by project requirements and deadlines. I think the best thing I did for myself in college was being very purposeful about taking a variety of classes outside my major. not only did it get my head out of photography for a bit, it taught me skills and mindsets I would never have learned if I'd just stuck close to my major. I'm super grateful for that now. 

anyway. I've spent a lot of time at home, reorganizing my space, spoiling myself with tasty food and drinks, and hanging out with the dogs.

I unexpectedly have this next week off, so I am planning on putting the finishing touches on my resume (designing a header is difficult!) and hitting the job search hard. wish me luck!


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