
life // field museum

life got ahold of me and I haven't updated in months. I don't really remember at what point I left off, so here's a quick update:
I got a full time job in August at a doggy daycare in Chicago and, after a few months of couch surfing/being sort of homeless while looking for housing, the Eric and I moved to a nice little place last month.
(apartment hunting in the city which is the worst ever, by the way. if you're looking to move to Chicago, be warned that it is way easier to find a job here than it is to find housing. I now understand why people find a place and stay there for years and years!)
but our new apartment is great and we share a backyard with a delicious Mexican place. every time I go outside, I smell steak tacos. 

so I've been busy adjusting to my new lifestyle! my life is now pretty much completely different and totally taken over by puppies and poop and public transit. it's pretty great so far. it's strange to think that I now have everything I've been striving for since high school. finished college, got a fun job, moved to my favorite city with a cool dude and the cat. now what?

anyway, I'll be making posts from the backlog of photos I found on my camera (something that was also neglected in my 2 1/2 months of couch surfing). today's is a short one from an afternoon I spent hanging out at the Field Museum after work one day. if I remember right, I went because I got off work around 1pm, had to meet a potential roommate at 6 or 7 and had many hours to kill. I'm glad I did something fun in between because the girl seemed to immediately dislike me, and also thought she would be able to live in a super nice two bedroom in Wicker Park for under $900 a month. ain't gonna happen! 

I love hanging out at museums by myself.

I know it's gross, but I kind of love stuffed animals. I just pretend that they all died naturally so I don't feel too sad. the Field Museum has a super cool and massive collection of animals, some of which are decades old. several times a month, the museum has specific days when admission is free for Illinois residents. I highly recommend checking it out if you're from around these parts. 

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